Other Components of NVC Theory

Symbolic Interactionism ties in with the NVEVM. The term was coined by Herbert Blummer, University of California at Berkley, and based on the ideas of George Herbert Mead, University of Chicago. This theory deals with an individuals sense of self and how he/she came to the definition by using "the interconnection of meaning, language & thought." It defines, who we are and who others perceive us to be. Erving Goffman, a sociologist, University of California at Berkley, brings this internal dialogue into the open calling "social interaction" a "dramaturgical performance".

 The Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) theory approaches nonverbal communication from a social construction viewpoint. It's based on the view that each person constructs and manages reality for himself/herself. Coherence and coordination are terms to assign meaning and to maintain the importance of those meanings in our lives. One scholar, Jonathon Shailor, used this theory to look at meditation rituals. Several abstracts are available in these experiential approaches.

Mental and physical elements comprise the process an individual goes through to establish meaning. A detailed glossary including these items is found at the Neuro Linguistic Programming website.

The following definitions of these elements (The American Heritage Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982, p 120, 1167, 1276, 71, 347, 135, 1190, 169, 229, 272, 310) are coupled with some websites for further instruction.

APPEARANCE, n: 3. The outward aspect of someone or something.

SOUNDS, n: 1.b. A disturbance of any frequency. c. The sensation stimulated in the organs of hearing by such a disturbance. 4. a. An articulation made by the vocal apparatus. 7. Meaningless noise.

TONE, n: 1.b. The characteristic quality or timber of a particular instrument or voice. 3. The pitch of a word used to determine its meaning or to distinguish differences in meaning. 5. Manner of expression in speech or writing: an angry tone of voice.


ACCESS, n: 3. The right to enter or make use of.

CUE, n: 2.b. A hint or suggestion. 3. Psyschol. A perceived signal for action, esp. one that produces an operant response. Color Psychology Experiment, Complete

ANCHOR: A reference point (cue) that an individual associates with an entire experience. The Social Psychology of Objects


ASSOCIATE, v: 3. To connect in the mind or imagination.

STATE, n.: 3. A mental or emotional condition.

BELIEF, n: 1. The mental act, condition, or habit of placing trust or confidence in a person or thing. 2. Mental acceptance of or conviction in the truth or actuality of something. 3. Somthing believed or accepted as true, esp. a particular tenet or a body of tenents accepted by a group of persons.

CALIBRATION, N: 1. To check, adjust, or systematically standardize the graduations of a quantitative measuring instrument.


CHUNK, n: 1. A thick mass or piece. 2. A substantial amount. (Perh. var. of CHUCK 2)

CHUCK, n: 3. A clamp that holds a tool or the material beign worked in a machine such as a lathe.

CONGRUENCE, n: 1. Agreement, conformity.

CONGRUITY, n: 3. A point of agreement.

CONGRUENT, n: 2. Math. a. Coinciding exactly when superimposed.

Sociocultural influences are well illustrated by Abraham Maslow's matrix, Hierarchy of Needs, which basically says, physiological needs are the first needed to be met, then safety, belongingness and love, esteem, and lastly, self-actualization.

Further references for these ideas are available in many communication theory textbooks and classrooms. A good one is Glen McClish's 'A First Look at Communication Theory,' chapters 6-8

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* NVC: What Is It? * Main Theory-NonVerbal Expectancy Violations Model * Other Components of NonVerbal Expectancy Violations Model Theory * *Importance of NVC * Consumer Research *  Relation to Advertising * Related Links * references.