Nonverbal Expectancy Violations Model

One of the main theories of nonverbal communication, Nonverbal Expectancy Violations Model (NVEVM) by Dr. Judee Burgoon at the University of Arizona, brings together two components: proxemics and kinesics. This theory involves the space between individuals, "proper" distance to be maintained (from contexts and relationships) and what happens when the boundaries are crossed. Also, the communicator, or violator, has a degree of power either in the present situation or a possible future one which influences the interpretation of his/her actions.

Ed Hall, an anthropologist, at the Illinois Institute of Technology calls the "space" issue, proxemics. It can include space around the personal body, a car, or the layout of an office or home. The age old tradition of Feng Shui is related to proxemics (Advice on Feng Shui, Live) (Do It Yourself Cures).

Hall's 4-step model labels the distances.

Another important component of the NVEVM is Kinesics, Bird Whitsall (1970), otherwise known as body language. It involves the concious or unconcious body actions of the communicator and how the actions are interpreted. Many things can influence the meaning an individual assigns to a nonverbal action. Culture is one of those influences, Gestures Around the World. From KINESTHESIA, adj: 1. The sensation of bodily position, presence or movement resulting chiefly from stimulation of sensory nerve endings in muscles, tendons and joints. (GK. Kinein, to move + Esthesia). The American Heritage Dictionary, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982, p 702.

Links to other sites on body language include * Test Your Nonverbal Communication Skills * Nonverbal Behavior, Nonverbal Communication-Links I * Nonverbal Behavior, Nonverbal Communication-Links II and Animated American Sign Language Dictionary

Click here to learn about some other components of nonverbal communication.

* NVC: What Is It? * Main Theory-NonVerbal Expectancy Violations Model * Other Components of NonVerbal Expectancy Violations Model Theory * *Importance of NVC * Consumer Research *  Relation to Advertising * Related Links * references.